Social Media Marketing During Statewide Shutdowns

Social Media Marketing During Statewide Shutdowns

Michigan and other states are deciding to shut down again before Thanksgiving week in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. Although many businesses will have to do some budget cuts to stay afloat, it is important not to neglect your marketing opportunities during this time.

Social Media Marketing Strategies During Government Shutdowns

While your business may be limited, there are several things you can do to boost your business and build your brand during the statewide shutdowns. Having a strong online presence will help you to keep money coming in while your operations are limited. The first step is to create social media pages for your business on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to start. Fill in all of the profile information including your Bio, phone number, address, etc. If you already have these pages make sure all of the information is up to date. Creating these pages is free and won’t put a dent in your budget. 

Using Social Media Marketing During Quarantine

Now that you have your pages are created it’s time to get noticed. A good way to start a following is to invite your friends and family to like and follow your pages. If you know them well ask them to like and share your posts so others see them and follow you as well. You can use your posts to let people know how your business is handling the shutdowns and how you are following health and safety guidelines to ensure the safety of both your customers and employees. Use your social profiles to let people know how they can do business with you during the shutdown. Such as promoting online shopping, calling ahead/making appointments, curbside pickup, and carry-outs. Social media is a great platform to advertise any specials that you have going on as well. Social media is a great way to interact with new customers and keep in touch with old ones.

Social Media and Search Engine Ads for Your Shutdown Marketing Strategy

Social media ads and search engine ads can help to get noticed and bring in business much faster than just posting to your social pages. Paid advertisements put your business and your product or service right in front of a wide audience very quickly. The benefit of using paid ads is that you can target a specific audience that you are trying to reach. This allows you to save money by only showing your ads to people that are most likely to buy from you. Posting to your social pages and improving the SEO for your website are great long term strategies that will build loyal followers and customers. That being said, it will typically take months to build your business using those methods. If you need a faster cash flow then paid ads are the way to go. Paid social media and search engine ads when used alongside longer-term methods such as regular posts and SEO are more effective for retaining customers and building a successful business.

Build a State Shutdown Marketing Strategy with Bold Media

The Bold Media Team can help you with your quarantine marketing strategy. We can take care of the development of your website, design, hosting, and more. We can set up your social media pages and create content and a posting schedule for you. We will enhance your marketing strategy with targeted paid search ads and social media ads as well. Let us help you boost your company’s digital experience by designing or revamping your website, search engine marketing, and SEO as well. Contact us today for more information.

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