Facebook Adds New Options For Brands To Control Ad Placement

Facebook Adds New Options For Brands To Control Ad Placement

Facebook has announced a set of new brand safety tools that will enable businesses to better control where their ads appear across Facebook’s various ad delivery networks. Various measures that Facebook is adding:

  • New section that is dedicated within the Business Manager where brands can create block lists, set account level inventory filters and create block lists
  • It is updating delivery reports so it will enable advertisers to search by account ID without having to download the report
  • New brand safety partner in Zefr to help improve its brand safety tools for advertisers
  • A test for advertisers that lets them white-list certain publishers

These new measures will provide better assurance for advertisers and help them avoid any concerns while also improving targeting options for their focus audiences.

Facebook’s vice president of global marketing solutions said, “The long term goal is to have an incredibly robust ecosystem where businesses can sell their products, [and] consumers have the confidence to buy them and know what they’re getting, and so that’s the long-range plan and these are just a series of steps along that path. It’s a lot that we’re doing to get there.”

Due to Facebook developing tools for better protections, they added a new Inventory Filter which enables advertisers to choose a level of protection they can apply to their ad placements, says SocialMediaToday.

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